
Awake the Romans in you!

Teambuilding programs and group offers in the archaeological park Carnuntum.

The time of the Romans in Carnuntum is not in the long-ago past, which can be seen by a few remains of walls, but it is the present which can be experienced with all one’s senses. Join an historical interactive adventure expedition where past millennia are suddenly catapulted into the here and now. Where Roman emperors wrote world history 1700 years ago, you can today saunter in the footsteps of those emperors.

Caesar's trophy

Would you like to attempt to see how the Romans lived? “Caesar’s trophy” gives you the opportunity to do so. After reaching the Roman city quarter, Roman coins are minted. This is followed by an entertaining guided tour through the reconstructed Roman houses of the city quarter.

Afterwards, participants experience Roman life for themselves: in small groups the visitors attempt to put on a toga, try out chain-mail armour and helmet, hunt boars and throw menhirs. But knowledge is also required and tested with a short quiz. The best group wins a prize.

Duration: 2½ hrs
Minimum: 20 participants
Location: Roman city quarter

Culinary journey back in time

This guided walk through the Roman city quarter and the fully reconstructed Roman buildings will tell you about the most important aspects of Roman everyday life in Carnuntum. 

Afterwards, you will be able to taste the surprising culinary world of the Romans with specialities made according to original Roman recipes. Enjoy a glass of Roman spiced wine (mulsum), Roman stuffed eggs (ova elixa), olives, Roman flatbread, sheep’s cheese-and-herb spread (moretum) and various dips.
Information regarding allergenic substances are available from our team!

Duration: 2½ hrs
Minimum: 20 participants
Location: Roman city quarter
